Opinions, news and commentary on good cooking, healthy eating, ecology and everything that makes the Earth, our Yi a little better.

Here at Yi we cultivate our own Kale.

Closely related to cabbage, cauliflower, radish, broccoli as they belong to the same family of cruciferous vegetables, with a closer affinity to wild cabbage.

A vegetable that is equally well cultivated on the field and on the balcony / a good idea for our pots /.

Without being too tasty, with the proper processing it enters the kitchen where it can get a prominent position because of its rich nutrients.

Rich in Vitamin A, C, K, B6, calcium, potassium, copper and manganese. Good source of protein, thiamine, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and fiber.

1. When using it raw, it is necessary to remove the nerves and “massage” it with salt and lemon. Then we accompany it with the materials of our choice.

2. If you choose not to eat it raw, the best way to avoid damaging its nutrients is to remove the central nerve of the leaves and steam them for 3-4 minutes to allow them to wilt slightly. Then we combine them with the materials of our choice.

All the varieties of kale - broadleaf, red or curly leaves are found in organic markets or in stores with more specialty products and all deliver equally excellent nutrition.

Nutritional information